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Each week we post valuable resources for pregnancy and early parenting
Know an expectant Dad?
Check out this Dad’s blog – it provides an honest and humorous look at parenting from a fathers perspective.
BC Nurse Line - 811
Call 8-1-1 from anywhere in British Columbia to speak with a nurse any time of the day or night. On weekdays, you can speak to a dietitian about nutrition and healthy eating. At night there are pharmacists available to answer your medication questions.
Newborn Hotline - (604) 737-3737
Operated by Vancouver Coastal Health. This hotline provides information about babies' (newborn to two years old) health, including infant and maternal health, infant and child care, breastfeeding, and nutrition services. Also provides information about public health and community services available to new parents. The information line is staffed by public health nurses who answer questions from new parents about mother, baby and family health. Serves Vancouver and Richmond.
Babies Best Chance
This website (hosted by the government of BC) is filled with up-to-date and practical information, useful tools and resources for women, expectant parents, and families with babies and toddlers up to 3 years of age.
Baby Center Canada
Find information and advice, meet other parents in our community, and
discover fun and useful tools to help you on your journey.
Midwifery Services
Midwives & Practices in BC - www.bcmidwives.com
Doula Services
Doula Services Association BC - www.bcdoulas.org